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Dumbbell Swing


How to Do

How to Do Dumbbell Swing

The dumbbell swing should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the dumbbell swing.


Beginning Dumbbell Swing

1. Grab a dumbbell and place one hand in front of the other to hold it in the middle.

2. Maintain a shoulder-width distance between your feet.


Dumbbell Swing Movement

1. Swing the weight between your legs by bending your knees slightly, pushing your hips back, and bending your knees slightly.

2. To swing the dumbbell to chest level, engage your glutes and propel your hips forward until the weight is behind you.

3. You're not lifting the weight with your arms or shoulders; instead, the force of your hip thrust should propel the dumbbell forward.

4. Contract your core, glutes, and quads as hard as you can at the top of the exercise.

5. Assume you're in the position of a vertical plank.

6. Then swing the weight back between your legs and do it again.


Dumbbell Swing Benefits

The dumbbell swing works multiple main muscular groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, chest, trapezius, shoulders, and abdominals, as a compound activity. It is an efficient approach to increase strength, endurance, power, and speed by targeting all of these muscles and altering the weight and tempo.

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