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Cone Hops


How to Do

How to Do Cone Hops

Each cone hop should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this cone hops.


Beginning Cone Hops

1. Once you're comfortable with performing this exercise with both legs, you can do the hops with one leg. This will bring in the additional challenge of maintaining your balance, and also increase the resistance as you will be lifting your entire body weight on one leg only.

2. Another alternative would be to hop on both legs from side to side, or diagonally, instead of just to the front.


Cone Hops Movement

1. A number of cones will be arranged in a vertical line in front of you. Stand in front of the first cone in the line with your feet about hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, and elbows bent. Keep your head and chest up.

2. Dip slightly and push off both feet to jump up and slightly forward over the cone, landing with your knees slightly bent to absorb the impact. Your toes and the ball of your foot will contact the ground first, followed by your heels. Once both feet are firmly on the ground, jump off both feet again to get over the next cone, and repeat until you've jumped over all cones.

3. Remember to keep your core muscles fully activated throughout the exercise, and to keep your head up.


Cone Hops Benefits

Perform this exercise at home or in the gym.

This exercise builds power and strength in your leg muscles, specifically the muscles in your thighs and calves. It mimics movements obtained in everyday life and in many sports.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Cone Hops, Zig Zag Hops, Hopping Exercise, Hops Exercise.

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