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Cat Pose Yoga


How to Do

How to Do Cat Pose Yoga

Cat pose yoga should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the cat pose yoga.


Beginning Cat Pose Yoga

1. Raise your head and gaze straight ahead, shoulders relaxed away from your ears.

2. Come into cat pose by curving your spine outward, tucking your tailbone in, and pulling your pubic bone forward as you exhale.

3. Allow your head to fall to the floor, but keep your chin from touching your chest.


Cat Pose Yoga Movement

1. Start this exercise by laying on all fours. Your arms should be in a straight line with your palms flat on the ground. Keep your back straight and bend at your knees so your legs come straight back of you. Your knees and toes should be on the ground.

2. Round your spine towards the ceiling while you move your head down, facing the ground.

3. Try to make a C curve with your head and body.

4. Hold that top position for the allotted amount of time before slowly returning to the starting position.


Cat Pose Yoga Benefits

Massages the spine gently to improve mobility.

Stretches the muscles in the back and neck.

Cow posture is a fantastic way to warm up before your yoga session.

Increases spinal fluid circulation.

Strengthens and prepares the muscles in the hands and wrists for Downward Dog.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do The Cat Pose, Cat Pose Stretch, Pilates Exercises, Yoga Poses, Yoga Exercise.

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