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Seated Calf Stretch With Band, Pnf


How to Do

How to Do Seated Calf Stretch With Band, Pnf

The seated calf stretch with band pnf should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the seated calf stretch with band pnf.


Beginning Calf Stretch With Band

1. Make a resistance band for your left foot and wrap it around it.

2. Hold the opposite end of the resistance band in your hand and press your foot against it while gently pushing on the resistance band.

3. Switch to the right foot and repeat for 30 seconds to a minute.


Calf Stretch With Band Movement

1. Start off by sitting up tall on the ground. Your arms will be to your sides on the ground and your legs will be extended in front of you so your feet point at the ceiling.

2. Your left leg will be bent so that your foot rests on the inside of your right leg.

3. Grip a resistance band in both hands and bring it around the bottom of the foot that is straight out in front of you.

4. Keep the resistance band tight so that there is resistance on it.

5. Press forward with your toe so that your foot isn't facing straight up anymore.

6. Bring your foot back to the starting position and repeat for repetitions.


Calf Stretch With Band Benefits

Stretching these muscles will help prevent injury to the ankle and the numerous small muscles that assist maintain the ankle, as well as the chance of tearing your Achilles tendon.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Calf PNF Stretches with Resistance Band, Leg PNF Stretches, Workout Band Stretches.

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