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Cable Lateral Lunge


How to Do

How to Do Cable Lateral Lunge

Should have good balance.

Should be able to perform classic lunges properly.

Should be able to decelerate pain free.


Beginning Cable Lateral Lunge

1. Begin by walking laterally and pulling two feet of slack on a cable line.

2. Keep the arm holding the cable straight or use waist attachment, and keep your chest high, shoulders back.


Cable Lateral Lunge Movement

1. Lunge laterally toward the machine while breathing in.

2. Pause at the bottom for 1 second, then breathe out and step back up to the starting position allowing the cable to resist the weight.


Cable Lateral Lunge Benefits

Improves balance, strength, and coordination in the lower body.

Improves lateral movement ability.

Exercise Aliases

Cable Lateral Lunge, Cable Side-lunge Exercise, Side Cable Lunge, Lateral Lunges, Side Lunge.

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