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Bulgarian Split Squat, Bodyweight


How to Do

How to Do Bulgarian Split Squat Bodyweight

The bulgarian split squat bodyweight should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the bulgarian split squat bodyweight.


Beginning Bulgarian Split Squat

1. Maintain an uniform distribution of weight throughout your entire foot. Don't lean forward on your toes or drive through your heel too hard.

2. Return to the starting position by reversing the move.

3. At the top of the action, squeeze your back glute.


Bulgarian Split Squat Movement

1. Stand 2 to 3 feet in front of a platform that is knee-high. Place your toes on the bench and extend your right leg behind you. Toes can be tucked or flat, depending on personal desire. Your hips and shoulders should be squared.

2. Slowly lower your right knee to the floor while keeping your torso upright. Make a 90-degree angle with your front knee (it may go further depending on your mobility; just make sure your knee doesn't cave inward).


Bulgarian Split Squat Benefits

It strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, among other leg muscles. Additionally, because this is a single-leg exercise, your core is forced to work overtime to keep you balanced.

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