How to Do
How to Do Band External Rotation
The band external rotation should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.
If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the band external rotation.
Beginning Band External Rotation
1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your elbow bent 90 degrees against the side of your body.
2. Move the forearm out away from the waist and externally rotate the shoulder while keeping the upper arm adjacent to the side. Then gently return to the starting position and do it all over again.
Band External Rotation Movement
1. Stand in front of the tubing or cable. Your stance should be slightly wider than shoulder-width and your head should be in line with your shoulders hips and knees.
2. Grip the handle and using your shoulder blades, pull back and down.
3. Tighten your core muscles to hold your body stable. Bring your arm up, such that your upper arm is at shoulder height, and in line with your body. Your elbow should be bent at 90 degrees, with your forearm perpendicular to the ground, your palm facing forward as if about to wave.
4. Make clockwise circles with your arm, as if you're washing a window. Start with smaller circles, and gradually make them bigger. If you feel discomfort, make the circles smaller. Switch to counterclockwise circles. Repeat for the required number of repetitions. Make sure that you do something similar on the other side.
5. Remember to keep your body stable and properly aligned during the exercise, and your upper arm in line with your torso. Your elbow should remain under your wrist at all times.
Band External Rotation Benefits
Perform this exercise at home or in the gym.
This is a good exercise for those with sedentary jobs. It enhances stability in the shoulder joint and builds up strength in the shoulder.
Exercise Aliases
How to Strengthen Shoulder Joint, Shoulder Exercises with Resistance Bands.