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Seated Ball Adductor Stretch, Inner Hip


How to Do

How to Do Seated Ball Adductor Stretch, Inner Hip

The seated ball adductor stretch inner hip should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the seated ball adductor stretch inner hip.


Beginning Ball Adductor Stretch

1. Lie on your back with the exercise ball centered under your thoracic spine.

2. Allow your back to arch over the ball softly.

3. Raise your arms high, elbows straight.

4. Maintain your current position.


Ball Adductor Stretch Movement

1. Start by sitting straight up on a stability ball. Sit with your buttocks in the middle of the ball to maintain better balance. Your legs will be bent at the knee before you so that the soles of your feet may rest flat on the ground.

2. Place your palms on your kneecaps.

3. Draw your abdominals inward and straighten one leg so that it is diagonal and to your side.

4. Straighten enough so that there is a little resistance felt on the leg.

5. Hold for the allotted time and bring it back to the starting position.

6. Switch sides and repeat directions.


Ball Adductor Stretch Benefits

Stretching your adductors on a daily basis will help you become more flexible and perform better, as well as prevent injury and stiffness.

Exercise Aliases

Stability Ball Adductor Stretches, Swiss Ball Hip Stretches, Seating Adductor Stretches.

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