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Back Extensions on Ball With Arms Extended


How to Do

How to Do Back Extensions on Ball With Arms Extended

Be sure to maintain proper posture throughout the entire movement to prevent unneeded stress.


Beginning Back Extensions on Ball

Keep your shoulder blades retracted slightly good stability in your core during the entire movement, and keep your spine in natural alignment.


Back Extensions on Ball Movement

1. Kneel down on the floor slowly and lean your hips securely on the stability ball. Additional stability can also be achieved by pressing feet into a wall.

2. Once securely positioned on the ball, extend your arms as illustrated.

3. Begin the exercise by first tightening your glutes, keeping your chin tucked for proper spine alignment, and extend your back as illustrated below.

4. Lower slowly back into the starting position, making sure to keep the stability ball still the entire movement.


Back Extensions on Ball Benefits

Back extension exercises improve your ability to coordinate movement through your lower back. Other advantages include a stronger back and a more durable back. Overall, these benefits lead to better overall back posture, which is important for preventing back injury.

Back Extensions on Ball Exercise Aliases

Back Extensions on Ball, Lower Back Extension Exercises, Back Extension Exercise Ball, Swiss Ball Back Extensions.

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