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Alternating Banded Bicep Curl With Speed


How to Do

How to Do Alternating Banded Bicep Curl With Speed

The Alternating Banded Bicep Curl With Speed should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the alternating banded bicep curl with speed.


Beginning Alternating Banded Bicep Curl

1. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and abs drawn in, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and abs drawn in.

2. Isolate the bicep muscle by curling your arms up and down in an alternate motion while keeping your torso straight.


Alternating Banded Bicep Curl Movement

1. Choose a very light resistance band. Hold the handles and place your feet on the band, about shoulder-width apart. Your palms will be facing in toward the side of your thighs.

2. Make sure that your body is aligned, with your head, shoulders, hips, and knees in line. Tighten up your abdominals and draw your shoulders away from your ears.

3. Curl one handle up to your shoulder. Simultaneously rotate your forearm so that at the top of the biceps curl, your palm is facing in toward your shoulder. Allow the arm to return to your side, and curl the other arm up. Alternate arms, and pick up speed as you become more comfortable with the movement.

4. Regardless of how quickly you are going, make sure that your upper arms remain tight and next to the torso throughout the exercise. Your elbows should not move forward or back, and should not flare out.

5. This should be a smooth and rhythmic movement.


Alternating Banded Bicep Curl Benefits

This exercise can be done either at home or in the gym.

This exercise will strengthen your biceps muscles at the front of your upper arms. Your core muscles will also be activated to keep your torso stable as you perform the exercise.

This exercise should be done quickly and will help develop power and speed in your upper body.

Exercise Aliases

Speed Alternating Biceps Curl with Band, Band Speed Alternating Biceps Curl, Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl Exercise.

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