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Abdominal Draw in Maneuver With Both Legs


How to Do

How to do Abdominal Draw in Maneuver With Both Legs

Make this exercise more challenging by sucking in the tummy, lifting both heels off the floor, and extending them out together slowly for as long as the back can remain flattened.

Then return to the starting position with heels hovering at the same height.

Maintain the sucked-in tummy throughout and ensure that both heels stay at the same level from start to finish.


Beginning Abdominal Drawing in Maneuver

1. Lie flat on your back. Your arms should be outstretched close to either side of the body with palms facing upward.

2. Bend the knees and pull the heels toward the buttocks. The knees should be bent at a right angle.

3. Suck in the tummy, drawing the belly button towards the spine. Hold this position throughout the exercise.


Abdominal Drawing in Maneuver Movement

1. Raise the left heel about an inch off the ground.

2. Keeping the back flat, slowly extend that leg straight out maintaining the same 1-inch distance from the floor and hold for 3-5 seconds.

3. Slowly return the left leg to the starting position while still hovering at the same distance.

4. Repeat on the same leg several times maintaining perfect form. Switch to the right leg following these guidelines.


Abdominal Drawing in Maneuver Benefits

The abdominal drawing-in maneuver (ADIM) is the most effective way to develop deep muscles like Tra, IO, and EO. ADIM is an abdominal workout that increases abdominal pressure by drawing the abdominal walls inwards and contracting the Tra and oblique abdominal muscles.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Heel Drawing-In, Abdominal Draw-In, Abs Workouts.

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