Acai Berry Diet: Is It a Scam? Safety, Pros and Cons of Dieting for Weight Loss With the Acai Berry

Is the Acai Berry Diet a scam? Dieting for weight reduction using the acai berry: safety, benefits and drawbacks.

The Review

Acai Berry Diet Review

It doesn't get any more fad like than with the Acai Berry (found in Brazil and pronounced ‘Ah-Sigh-Ee’), and that’s because a certain Oprah Winfrey professed to using it as part of her weight control diet in 2005, and subsequently the US public went Acai Berry bonkers, to mimic the well-known celebrity.

It was someone called Dr. Perricone who first adorned the virtues of the acai berry and placed it as No. 1 on his list of top ten super foods when he appeared on the Oprah Show that so wowed the well-known talk show hostess.

Is It a Scam?

Does the Acai Berry Diet Work, or Is It a Scam?

But really, the acai berry is nothing more than another healthy berry in the cranberry, blueberry mold.

And there is no diet as such, as it is more a case of making the most of the antioxidant properties of the acai as part of a general dietary plan.

As with other fad diets and fad foods, the quick-buck brigade jumped into action and within minutes a string of websites selling alleged acai berry products were up, and running, and scamming the public in a blink of an eye.

To add to the scam level of it all, many of these websites feature Oprah’s much-loved dietary endorsement as part of the marketing although she has absolutely nothing to do with these sites.

Such is the way of the fad.

As for the acai berry itself, yes it has certainly been found to be a high source of antioxidants, but as for being useful in helping to achieve weight loss it is hard to say as the jury is still out on this aspect.

Diet Claims

Acai Berry Diet Claims

Supporters of the berry say it helps with cleansing, and detox, as well as general digestion, that it boosts immunity, promotes cardiovascular functionality, and mental clarity.

It is also claimed that the aging process is slowed, vision is enhanced, and insomnia can be fought.

As far as weight control is concerned, it is the essential fatty acids, and amino acids existent in the acai berry that help metabolism and reduce appetite.

The Science

Science on the Acai Berry Diet 

But in truth, there is no hard research or medical evidence to support these claims.

And perhaps most importantly of all, for some people, using the acai berry does not come cheap at between $40-$80 a month depending on the supplement purchased.

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