The 3-hour Diet: What You Need to Know, Increased Eating for Weight Loss?

Increased eating for weight reduction, what you need to know about the 3-hour diet?

The Review

The 3-hour Diet Plan Review

It’s all about timing with this one. The most current fad diet around, the Three-Hour Diet is the brainchild of fitness journalist Jorge Cruise who became a popular author with his book The 3-hour Diet: How Low-Carb Diets Make You Fat and Timing Makes You Thin.

Way of Eating

The 3-hour Diet Way of Eating

Cruise has come up with the idea that eating six meals a day, instead of the customary three, and cutting down on portion size increases the metabolic rate, and hence leads to faster calorie-burn.

The theory goes that if careful attention is paid to portions, aiming for 400 calories per meal, then not only will the dieter be taking on board the recommended daily allowance of calories (2,000 for women, 2,500 for men) but those calories will also be burned more quickly.

The main nutrition principle is that breakfast should be taken within one hour of rising, and then every subsequent meal be taken every three hours with the last meal being consumed three hours before going to bed.

The Verdict

The 3-hour Diet Verdict

The jury is still out on the science behind Cruise’s diet and in fact Cruise himself doesn't have any science to go with it. Instead, he prefers to visualize the meals.

But early indications are that this fad of fads does work, with some people reporting weight loss.

♥ However, there are some who say they end up eating more when trying to fit the six meals into the day, and henceforth have put on weight. For some it is simply impractical trying to fit six meals into their normal working day.

Nevertheless, Cruise insists it’s all in the timing, and portion size.

Get that right, and it could be a winner. And probably one of the most appealing aspects of the diet is the fact that you can still eat candy.

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